
The 7th World Congress of the International Society for Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders (VAS-COG World 2015)が東京で開催され、当科の山田教授と坂井Drが講演しました。


The 7th World Congress of the International Society for Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders (VAS-COG World 2015)が東京で開催され、当科の山田教授と坂井Drが講演しました。

<Theme2:Small Vessel Diseases and Dementia>
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy in Alzheimer’s Disease
演者:Masahito Yamada
共同演者:Miharu Samuraki, Mitsuhiro Yoshita, Keisuke Shima, Moeko Noguchi-Shinohara, tsuyoshi Hamaguchi, Kenjiro Ono, Ichiro Matsunari.

<Young Investigations Meeting 1>
Aβ Immunotherapy for Alzheimer’s Disease: Effects on Apolipoprotein E and Cerebral Vasculature
演者:Kenji Sakai
共同演者:Delphine Boche, Roxana Carare, David Johnston, Clive Hoimes, Seth Love, James AR Nicoll.